csie.org Members 成員
Founders 創立團隊
Members listed here are those who paid, or contributed to csie.org
domain in the beginning.
下列成員是在 csie.org 草創時期有所貢獻的成員。
Please mail to
adm if you want to make changes to your photo/description.
如果想要更動下面的照片或資料請 mail 給
Kang-min Liu my name is.
Music my interest is.
ThinkPad my laptop is.
FreeBSD my OS is.
Emacs my religion is.
Been Thinking my future is.
finger print:BCCF 1012 8E8C 5072 7AD8 F731 B7D8 980E 5C4A 6C70
rafan, Rong-en Fan , skilled network maintainer
404 Not found. <grin>

Chuang, Ling
I am a junior of Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Of course, I am a Taiwanese.
Kuang-che Wu, genius.
Michael Hsin
My Chinese name is Hung-Te Lin.
You may also call me Francis S.Lin.
On internet I use the id 'piaip'.
Yu-Yen Ou
I am a Ph.D. student at System Laboratory,
Dept. of Computer Science
and Information Engineering,
National Taiwan University.
Others 其它成員
Members listed here are those who joined us after csie.org was ready.
下列成員是 csie.org 成立後加入我們的成員。
Hsin-Mu Tsai
In military service now.
Chen-hsiu Huang was eighteen years old when he entered National
Taiwan University as a student of Department of Computer Science and
Information Engineering.
After his graduation in 2002 summer, he is currently a member in the Digital
Signal Processing Group of Communications and Multimedia Laboratory in
National Taiwan University as a master student of professor Wu.